Google Pharmacy Phish
I received an e-mail today announcing the launch of "Google Pharmacy" that promised it will "improve the Google experience for people buying pills and using pharmaceutical interfaces." It included a nifty-looking Google logo that replaced the "oo" with two pills (Viagra and Cialis):Of course, this is a "phishing" expedition - "a way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication" (wikipedia).
- I haven't clicked on the link "Visit Google's Accredited Pharmacy" although I was tempted to do it because of my interest in Google's past misdeeds that involve collusion with "rogue" pharmacies (see "Google Settles with DOJ - Admits Aiding Illegal Online Drug Sales") and
- Google's failed attempts to co-opt the pharmaceutical/health sector (see "Google Health is Being Shut Down").
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